Remark :【產品特點】 膠圈裝訂機(手動) (辦公室 - 高用量) 打孔能力: 30張紙釘裝厚度: 500頁(用51mm膠圈) 鋁及鋼鐵結構,堅固耐用 21抽刀鍵,可自由調效釘孔數量,方便釘裝小冊子前置式廢紙箱,方便傾倒紙屑共有5個可調節紙張邊距(2.5/3.5/4.5/5.5/6.5mm)配合紙張厚度需要附有量度釘裝厚度及頁數指示,有助選擇合適的釘裝膠圈抽刀鍵 : 方便轉用 A5/B5/Letter 等紙張機身尺寸: 402(W) x 404(D) x 214(H)mm 機身重量:14公斤 1年免費上門保用
Unit : Pcs
Except shopping at our retail shop, customers now can make your orders of office supplies Via Internet or fax 2110 9447.
With purchase over $300, free delivery service will be provided for commerical area only.
If there are any enquiries, please feel free to contact our Customer Services at 2389 1329.